The purpose of a deep tillage tool is to fracture the compacted layer of soil beneath the surface
known as the hardpan. The hardpan, usually only a couple inches thick, prevents plant roots from
reaching moisture and nutrients below. The deep tillage tool is designed
to run 1”-2” below the hardpan, fracturing it and allowing plant roots
to reach the moisture and nutrients it needs. A probe, like the one shown
here, is used to determine how deep the hardpan is under the surface. To
use, insert the tip of the probe into the ground and add down pressure on
the handle until the probe gets hard to push. Mark the ground level on the
probe remove it from the ground. The distance from the tip of the probe
to the ground level mark is the distance to the hardpan. For accurate
results several measurements should be taken and averaged together. Once the depth of the hard pan is
determined the machine depth can be set 1in-2in below this depth.
*Note: Maximum shank depth below surface is 18in.
Setting Operating Depth
Depth of Penetration
1) Set the machine on a level surface with shank points just touching the ground.
2) Measure the distance from the level surface to the bottom surface of the toolbar gauge wheel. (This
will be the approximate operating depth (D))
3) Adjust the turnbuckle on the gauge wheel arm until the desired depth is set.
4) Take the implement to the field and pull the shanks into the ground until the toolbar gauge wheel is
supporting the rear of the machine.
5) Measure the distance from the bottom of the toolbar to the ground to get the toolbar height.
6) Subtract this number from 37 to determine the actual working depth of the shanks. (It is 37in from
the bottom of the toolbar to the point on the shank.
7) Raise implement slightly and adjust the toolbar gauge wheel as needed to set desired working
* Note
: Machines with Cover Crop Rollers will need to
adjust the height of the CCR instead of the Toolbar Gauge
Wheels. Refer to the section on “
Cover Crop Roller
” for more information.