After the impulse function mode is set, every 200 milliseconds the instrument executes evaluation of the measured
electric energy. If the increment of recorded electric power is higher or equal to the quantity of power per one impulse,
the instrument will transmit one or two impulses. The mentioned description shows that the fluency of impulse transmission is
+/- 200 ms.
The impulse duty cycle is 50/50 ms (compliant with so-called SO-output definition), maximum frequency is 10 impulses per
2.13 Communication Interface
Monitoring the currently measured values and the instrument setup can using a remote computer connected to the instrument
via a communication link. Such operation allows you to use all the setup options of the instrument, which it is not possible from
the panel of the instrument.
Following chapters describe instrument communication links from the hardware point of view only. The detailed description of
ENVIS program can be found in the program manual.
2.13.1 RS-485 Interface (COM)
The link is isolated from other circuits of the instrument. Use terminals
(No. 28/31),
(29/32) and
(30/33) – the
alternative numbering is valid for models with two communication interfaces. If both of them are of the RS-485 type, the
second link (COM2) is marked
(No. 31),
(32) and
Both of the links are insulated both from the instrument internal circuitry and mutually too, terminals No. 30 and 33
are not
connected internally
Standard setup for this interface is address 1, communication rate 9600 Bd and 8 bits protocol.
2.13.2 Ethernet Interface (ETH)
Using this interface the instruments can be connected directly to the local computer network (LAN). Instruments with this
interface are equipped with a corresponding connector RJ- 45 with eight signals (in accordance with ISO 8877), a physical
layer corresponds to 100 BASE- T.
Each instrument must have a different IP- address, preset during the installation. The address can be set from the instrument
panel or you can use the ENVIS-DAQ program. For detection of actual IP-address you can use
the Locator
2.13.3 M-Bus Interface (M-BUS)
The interface is insulated from other instrument circuitry. Used signals are :
(No. 28),
Standard setup for this interface is address 1, communication rate 2400 Bd and 9 bits with even parity protocol. Secondary
address is BCD-coded instrument serial number.