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After Each Use
Remove all metal shavings from the machine and thoroughly clean all surfaces. The machine
should be cleaned with a clean oilcloth. For parts that rust easily, especially the finely ground parts,
keep a layer of oil or grease film on them for protection.
Make sure that the compound switch and the pushbutton switch are both in the off position. Such
preventive measures reduce the risk of starting the machine accidentally when used next.
Store the machine when it won’t be used for a long time. Store it in a dry, secure place out of the
reach of children. Inspect the machine for good working condition prior to storage and before
Components should be dry, and all machined surfaces should be lightly oiled. Always remove
cutting tools and chucks before storage. Store them separately but with the machine.
Put the power switches in the off positions before making any adjustments or changing
accessories. Such preventive safety measures reduce the risk of starting the machine accidentally.
Maintain the milling and drilling machine by adopting a program of conscientious repair and
maintenance in accordance with the following recommended procedures. It is recommended that
the general condition of any tool be examined before it is used. Keep your tool in good repair. Keep
all cutting tools sharp and clean. Properly maintained cutting tools with sharp cutting edges are less
likely to bind and are easier to control. Keep handles dry, clean, and free from oil and grease. The
following chart is based on a normal operation schedule.
This machine is a highly finished precision tool. The bearing surfaces of the bench and below the
lower slide are hand-lapped. If there are any rusty spots or knock-out on the rails, or any cutting chips
deposited between the closely jointing sections, the precision accuracy of the machine can be affected.
Parts Diagram
The parts diagrams and lists that follow are divided into the different machine areas as shown below.
Milling and Drilling Machine
Milling and Drilling Machine
Item No.
Drilling/Milling Box
Work Bench
Daily Maintenance
Weekly Maintenance:
Monthly Maintenance
Yearly Maintenance
1. Check the tightness of the mounting bolts holding the
head in place.
2. If overheating is observed, or unusual noises are
produced, stop the machine immediately to check for
lack of lubrication, faulty adjustments, dull tool bits, or
other deficiencies. Correct any problems before
resuming work.
3. Keep the work area clean. If chips or shavings
accumulate on the table or fixtures, shut off the power
and clean the chips away with a stiff bristle brush.
Re-check the lubrication before continuing.
1. Clean and coat the lead screws with oil.
2. Check the lubrication of the sliding parts of the table.
Apply light grease if needed.
1. Adjust the accuracy of the slides on both the cross
and longitudinal feeds.
2. Lubricate the bearings, worm gear and worm shaft
with light grease.
1. Adjust the table to assure that it is level in all directions.
2. Check the electrical cord, plug, circuit breakers and
related connections to assure that they are secure
and safe.
Maintenance Interval
Maintenance Point