Special functions
This air condi tioner is equ ipped with ionizer or Plasma Dust Collector(Depending on specific
configurat ion of the model). With the anions generated by Ionizer, the air ci rculation of the air
condit ioner fills the room with refreshing, nat ural and healthy air. The Plasma Dust Collector
generates a high voltage ionization zone, through which the air is converted to plas ma. Ins ide
the ai r most of the dust, s moke, and poll en particles are captured by the electrostatic f ilter.
CLEAN AIR function(on some model s)
Vert ical swi ng func tion
O ptional
After the AC starts up, users can control the vertical louver swing by the remote controller.
SELF CLEAN function
Optio nal
F unction used aft er the Sh ut Down of cooli ng opera tion to c lean the Evapora tor
a nd keep it as fresh for the next op eration.
T he unit will oper ate as fo llowing sequenc e : FAN ONLY mo de at Lo w fan sp eed--He ating
o peration with LOW fan sp eed(applicable t o coolin g & heati ng modl es only) ---FAN O NLY
o peration --Stop O peration---Turn off.
T his func tion is only available und er COOL (AUTO COOL, FORCED COOL) and DRY mode.
B efore se lect the function , it is rec ommend ed to run the air conditioner unde r Cooling
o peration for abo ut half an hour. O nce the Self Clea n function is acti vated, all TIMER
s etting w ill be can celled.
D uring Self Clean operati on, whe n press the SELF CLEAN button on the re mote
c ontrolle r again w ill stop t he opera tion and turn off the unit automati cally.
N ote:
Louver Angle M emory Function(optional):
Within the scope of safety angle, it will mem orize the open angle o f horizontal louver.
If it exceeds, it will m emorize the boundry o f safety angle. In the fo llowing circumstances,
it will return to stand ard angle: 1) pressing the manual switch, 2)un plug and then plug
in the machine.
So we strongly s uggest that the open angle of the horizontal louver should
not be set too small, in case the condensed water forms and drops from the horizontal louver.
Refrigerant Lea kage De tection
With this new technology, the dipsplay area will appear EC and the indication lamps
contin ue flashing when the outdoor unit detects refrigerant leakage.
An ti-milde w funct ion
Op tional
When turns off the unit on COOL, DRY, AUTO (Cool) mode, the ai r conditioner will continue
opera ting for abo ut 7-10 minutes (depending on model s) at LOW f an speed. If turns off on
HEAT mode, the unit will continue opera ting for abo ut 30 seconds at LOW fan speed. This will
help to dry up the condensed water inside the evaporat or, and prevent the breeding of mildew.
Unde r Anti-mildew operation, do not restart the air conditioner until the unit is complet ely off.