Installation and Operation Manual
PG 40/41
REV: B (4/8/2021)
Routine Maintenance
Perform following steps at least once during recommended intervals.
Yearly, or every 12000 miles verify all mounting fasteners are properly torqued; applying witness marks
across fasteners and mounting parts is good practice to quickly ensure fasteners have not moved.
Yearly, or every 12000 miles remove all road grime and mud from mounting brackets and kit parts using
clean water from a garden hose; pay special attention to corners where dirt may collect. Touch up all
paint chips using automotive grade enamel in either spray, or brush form.
NOTE high pressure washers may damage part finishes and must be used with care. Do this more
frequently if traveling regularly off-road, or in winter climates where road salts are used.
Yearly, or every 12000 miles check electrical and air fitting connections and wires for abrasion,
corrosion, or other damage. Replace damaged components.
NOTE: if system runs continuously or turns on unexpectedly, leaks or intermittent electrical connection
may be present.
Monthly, or every 10 hours of compressor run time, drain moisture from air tank using drain valve
installed at bottom of tank.
Failure to regularly drain air tank may result in corrosion inside tank and possible failure in
tank or air lines, which can suddenly release air pressure causing injury to nearby people.
Yearly, or every 12000 miles clean, or replace air compressor air filter element. Replacement frequency
depends on operating frequency and conditions of operating environment (i.e., daily use of air
compressor in dusty, or wet environment requires more frequent filter change). Order replacement
filters at
NOTE: Never lubricate or add any liquids to the included oil-less air compressor.