High Power Amplifier P
A 2000
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and off with the mains switch of the first one. To avoid
excessive on currents the units are powered on one
after the other with a 3 second delay each.
Caution: Do not push the rocket switch
for a too long time if there are remote
control modules present in the system.
Some components inside the amplifier
could overheat!
2.7 Mains FUSE
When replacing the fuse,
first disconnect the mains
and ensure that the new fuse is of the following
type only:
for 230 volts AC
16 A
Slo-Blo (6.3 x 32 mm)
2.8 Output Power
The P
A 2000 is stable without any restrictions as
to thermal and load specifications at a load impedance
4 Ohms
and at any program material. The power
stage is able to generate a temporal limited RMS output
power of 650 watts and up to 850 watts peak power.
The ambient temperature should not exceed 40° C
(104° F).
At a
2.6 Ohms
(= 3 x 8 ohms in parallel) load the P
A 2000 can provide temporarily 850 watts of sine and
1050 watts of peak power. Stability is warranted in
respect to the impedance but not always to the ther-
mal aspects. Do not apply too compressed program
material and pay attention to the ambient temperature.
2 Ohms
load impedance the P
A 2000 will be
capable to deliver 1000 watts of sine power and 1200
watts of peak power. In some cases the protection
circuit will reduce output power due to excessive
temperature or load current. Do not compress the
audio signal and pay more and more attention to the
ambient temperature.
Caution: The P
A 2000 is able to easily
destroy speaker systems! For safe
operation please be sure to apply only the
permissible power to each driver. The
limiter inside the amplifier has to be
adjusted suitable to speaker power
capability or use a special audio contoller.
2.9 Connecting to audio-sources
Use only screened professional audio cable to connect
the amplifier to your mixer or preamp. The balanced
input XLR connectors are wired in the standard manner:
Pin 1 = GND
Pin 2 = + (hot)
Pin 3 = - (cold)
Fig. 5 XLR connector wiring
2.10 Output connectors
Fig. 6 Speakon outputs
Havarie Pre
insertion of HAVARIE post signal of the
preceding amplifier (if present), 4 wires!
Havarie Post
insertion of HAVARIE pre signal of the
following amplifier (if present), 4 wires!
Bridge 1±
speaker connector for bridge mode
A 1±, B 2±
speaker A connector for mono or stereo
mode, also connector for K+H active top
B 1±, A 2±
speaker B connector for mono or stereo
mode, also connector for non K+H active
Caution: Avoid shortcuts between ground
and the 1+ or 2+ termninals respectively
1+ and 1- as well as 2+ and 2-. It is true,
the P
A 2000 is absolutely shortcut
proof, but shorting the outputs will
strongly heat up the power stage.