Kontrollér isolationsmodstanden:
Før motoren startes kontrolleres isolationsmod-
standen mellem vikling og stel med et ohmme-
ter, der afgiver 500V. Viklingsmodstanden skal
være større end 1 megaohm, ellers skal viklin-
gen varmebehandles.
1. Kontrollér forsyningsspændingen:
Tilslut forsyningsspænding i overensstemmelse
med den værdi, som er anført på motorskiltet.
Check, om motoren er koblet i stjerne-/trekant.
1. Kontrollér termo-relæ:
Termorelæets data og kapacitet skal svare til
specifikationerne på motorskiltet (herunder
strøm og sikringstype).
3. Omgivelser:
Motoren må ikke udsættes for korrosionsfrem-
mende luftarter. Den skal beskyttes mod vand-
stænk, indtrængning af metalspåner og andre
For at sikre god ventilation og plads til varme-
afgivelse skal der være rigelig plads omkring
4. Kontrollér jordforbindelsen:
Motorstel skal forbindes til jord.
5. Rotationstest:
Før motoren monteres, drejes akslen langsomt
med hånden for at sikre, at rotoren ikke river
eller støder mod andre dele. Rotoren skal have
en let og ubesværet rotation.
Efter montering kontrolleres om drivrem eller
tilkobling er monteret tilstrækkeligt fleksibelt.
6. Kontrollér tilslutning:
Motoren kan kun startes, hvis tilslutningen
er udført efter strømskemaet på klemkassen.
Ønskes motorens omdrejningsretning ændret,
henvises til strømskemaet.
Forholdsregler før motoren
sættes i drift
Check the insulation resistance:
Before the motor is put into operation the insu-
lation resistance between its winding and that
of the windings respect to ground with a meg-
ohm meter of 500V. The rate of the resistance
is more than 1.0 megohm, otherwise, the win-
ding should be treated with heat-baking.
If it is available a voltage in the range of 1/3 to
1/2 of the rated value can be applied to get the
motor running at no load one hour or so, until
the dampness is expelled.
1. Check the line voltage:
Connect the line voltage in accordance with the
value indicated on the nameplate of the mo-
tor. Check if the motor is connected with star-/
delta starter.
2. Inspection of the switch:
The specification and capacity of the control-
ling switch should meet the requirements indi-
cated on the name plate of the motor (such as
current, capacity size of fuses etc.)
3. Inspect the environment:
The space surrounding the motor should be
free from any corrosive gasses. Protect the
motor from waterdrips, iron chips and others.
Ample free space should be provided around
the motor to facilitate ventilation and heat dis-
4.Check ground connection:
The frame of the motor should be grounded to
insure safety.
5. Test rotation:
Before the motor is installed the shaft exten-
sion must be slowly turned by hand to make
sure that the rotor does not rub or knock
against other parts but gives an easy and swift
After the motor has been installed check that
the driving belt or the coupler is mounted with
enough flexibility.
6. Wiring:
Check the wiring connections before the motor
is started. The motor can be started only when
the wiring connection is made in accordance
with the wiring diagram given on the terminal
box. If you wish to change direction of the mo-
tor we refer to the wiring diagram.
Preliminaries before operation