Congratulations on the recent purchase of your new pedal boat! You have purchased a boat from one of the nations leading
manufacturers of small boats. Your boat represents years of commitment to product design, excellence in engineering and quality
in manufacturing. With proper care and maintenance your pedal boat should last for many years to come. Please call our helpful
and knowledgeable Customer Support Department if you have any questions.
Your pedal boat is manufactured from High Density Polyethylene (HDPE). It is a very durable material. Our specially formulated
HDPE has an ultra-violet inhibitor blended throughout the material to reduce color fade and maintain its strength. Polyethylene is
a somewhat flexible material with some memory. This means it has a tendency to return to its original molded shape if distorted.
All boats are equipped with closed cell foam for flotation.
Install the rudder. Be sure to attach the cotter ring through the end of the clevis pin to hold the pin in place.
The “flag” portion of the rudder points away from the boat.
Adjustable Seat Backs
Two adjustable seats come with our Water Wheeler ASL Electric Pedal Boat. Adjust the seat to accommodate
your height by placing it in the notched positions. For lounging, simply place seat in the back footwell notches.
Drain Plug
Make sure your drain plug is secure. The drain plug is in the center bow of the boat just below the rubrail.
See Photo #1.
Electric Motor
Locate the box containing the motor and other accessories and carefully follow the installation instructions.
Please refer to Operating Your Electric Pedal Boat for additional information. Note: battery not included.
If you choose you may manually pedal your boat as well.
Photo #1
Drain Plug Location