KJB Security | www.mysleuthgear.com | 800-590-4272 | Find us on Facebook at facebook/sleuthgear and on twitter @sleuthgear
Q. What media player software should I use to playback the recorded files?
The recorded files are in the .AVI format, which is able to be played back on software such as
Windows Media Player and others often pre-installed on a personal computer. If you are having
trouble with playback, try downloadable software such as the free open-source player VLC
(videolan.org). (If the files are put on a CD or DVD, some DVD or Blu-ray players are able to directly
playback the .AVI format
– please consult your device’s user manual for compatibility.)
Q. How do I reset my unit back to the way I got it?
Restoring the unit to its factory default settings can be done in the EZ-SEE App
– see Page 17.
For units that have Night Vision (IRs); not all Zone Shield
Wi-Fi units come with this option,
please check your receipt:
Q. Why are my Night Vision images not that bright?
Covert placement of the camera and IR sensor affect image quality in each individual product
form. Move the unit to different locations to test the video quality. You will experience pixilation with
any night vision camera. SleuthGear
strives to maintain a balance between creating a reliable
hidden camera and recording in extreme low light conditions.
While SleuthGear
makes a concerted effort to test Night Vision products in different
light situations, we cannot replicate every possible lighting environment at a customer’s