Secure the L-Bracket to the Crossbars
1. Insert T-Bolts into the channel after removing or depressing rubber
Tip – T-Bolt heads should slide back and forth but not fully rotate.
2. Place L-Bracket on both T-Bolts, providing a minimum of 1 empty
hole set in between each T-Bolt.
Tip - Ensure vertical faces of L-Brackets are aligned before fully tightening.
3. Tighten each lock nut evenly.
Attach your awning to the L-Brackets
4. Slide four awning T-Bolts into awning channels, found on the back
side of the awning.
5. With a partner, hold Awning up to L-Bracket and align T-Bolt threads
with L-Bracket holes on vertical faces.
6. Insert T-Bolts through the L-Bracket holes and tighten the lock nuts
with a few turns, without fully tightening.
Tip - The Awning T-Bolts should still be able to move back and forth inside the
awning channel.
7. Ensure awning is centered between both crossbars, then fully
tighten all lock nuts to secure the awning.
Tip - It is recommended to take a short drive after attaching fixtures. Check on return to
see if any further tightening of brackets is necessary. Check fixtures regularly during use.
Filename: 5214_KC077-001_Tuatara 2.5 x2.5 Awning
Dimensions: A5 Booklet
Colour: Black