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Slow replay
File open
-Driving mode recording time-set up the each file's time.
Normally 60 seconds.
-evant recording time-time-set up the each file's time. Normally 20 seconds.
-Channel - AV out viewer selected between 1ch, and 2ch
-Recording Quality - Set up the Recording Quality
(set up medium when is first power on)
-Voice record select - Select voice recording or not
-Accelerate sensor - Select sensor's sensitivity
(set up medium when is first power on)
-Plays Channel - Select 1ch or 2ch when LCD black box.
-After all set up, press ok bottoms for the save the set up.
-We recommended first set up when the first power on.
-Recording set up
- photo: Play film makes capture and can be print
-Graph: Show G sensor status
-Recording set up: can be set up G sensor sensitive and recording quality
-Time set up: Set up the black box’s time
Viewer program