Mishandling the battery shortens the service life and
adds to maintenance costs. Be sure to handle it
correctly so that it will develop its full potential
p e f o r m a n c e .
1. If the battery is weak, the engine is difficult to start
and the lamps become dim. It is important to check
the battery daily and recharge before trouble occurs.
2. The water in the electrolyte evaporates during
recharging. Liquid shortage damages the battery
and excessive liquid spills over and damages the
tractor body. If low, be sure to fill up the battery
with distilled water.
• Always check electrolyte level after charging
b a t t e r y. If necessary, add distilled water to
maintain proper level.
•Check battery terminals to be sure they are clean
and free from corrosion.
Keeping the battery clean will give prolonged
service. Remove corrosion from the terminals
periodically and coat terminals with grease.
• Maintain the battery at full charge during the
winter to prevent freezing.
When water is added during freezing weather,
run the engine for at least an hour to make sure
water and electrolyte have mixed throughly.
- Operating Instruction
1. Battery must be fixed tightly in case holder.
2. The battery should be secured and the
connecting cables properly fitted and suff i c i e n t l y
long to prevent pulling the terminals battery.
3. Keep vent plugs tight on the vent holes.
4. Keep battery and surrounding parts, particularly,
the tops of the cells clean and dry.
5. Keep the terminals and the cables free from
corrosion by coating with pure vaseline or grease.
6. The level of electrolyte should always be kept
between the level lines. (At hard rubber container
should be kept to a height 3/8 in. (10mm) above
upper edge of separator).
Add approved water(preferably distilled water)
regularly to each cell until this level will be
reached. Never add acid.
7. Recharge battery periodically after 4 weeks when
operation in irregular or battery is taken out of
service, but only until all cells gas evenly and
f r e e l y. Make sure to prevent overcharging.
8. Battery should be charged once each month
when is service.
9. To charge the battery connect the battery positive
terminal to the charger positive terminal
and the negative to the negative, then recharge in
9.10 Battery
•Gas given off by batteries is explosive.To
avoid injury or battery damage, avoid sparks
near the batteries.
• Never remove the battery cap while the
engine is running. Keep electrolyte away from
eyes, hands and clothes. If you are spattered
with it, wash it away completely with water.