K-FORCE manual
Get Started
The device is equipped with a micro-USB port used for charging, 1 LED for the charging state, 1 LED for the
working state and one push-button.
You can charge your Bubble device through the micro-USB cable provided or with any other regular micro-USB
charging cable. You may have a charger already; many new mobile phones and other mobile products come
with an IEC 60950 compliant USB charger.
While charging, a blue LED is on. Once the charging is completed, the LED turns white.
In order to turn on K-FORCE Bubble, press the push-button. You'll notice a green flashing LED. Your Bubble is
on! Your Bubble will turn off after 3 minutes of inactivity.
Once the device is paired, you can put the needle in the valve of your inflatable tool and begin and begin to
Figure 10, K-FORCE Bubble: Needle, micro-USB port and LEDs, inflatable tool
Once the device is paired, you can begin to assess or set up a personalize rehab workout for your patient.