K-FORCE manual
Get Started
On one part of the device you'll notice a micro-USB port used for charging, 1 LED for the charging state, 1 LED
for the working state and one push-button.
You can charge your Grip device through the micro-USB cable provided or with any other regular micro-USB
charging cable. You may have a charger already; many new mobile phones and other mobile products come
with an IEC 60950 compliant USB charger.
While charging, a blue LED is on. Once the charging is completed, the LED turns white.
Disinfect K-FORCE Grip prior to use,
using antiseptic alcohol wipes.
In order to turn on K-FORCE Grip, press the push-button. You'll notice a green flashing LED. Your Grip is on!
Your Grip will turn off after 3 minutes of inactivity.
Figure 5, K-FORCE grip port and LEDs
Once the device is turned on, select the Grip Device Exercise in the Home Page.
While your Grip is connecting, don't load the device, don't step on the device, don't move the device, and
put force on the device.