This function provides you to quick search, add and delete contact information.
11.1 Names
-Details View the details of the contact
-Search Support letters matching search.
-Add new contact Add new contact to the flash/UIM
-Delete contact Delete the selected contact.
-Move contact Move the contact to a new location
-Copy contact Copy the contact to the other location
-Mark Mark the select contacts
-Mark all Mark all the contacts
11.2 Settings
This option provides you to set the save location of the contacts, and options list as bellow:
-Memory in use Customize the saving location
-Memory status Check the memory status.
11.3 Groups
Create and customize the groups to share the specific design ring tones and images.
11.4 My numbers
Check and edit the own phone numbers of UIM
11.5 Speed dials
- Enable / disable the speed dials
- Assign / modify speed dials
Notes: Only contact in flash can be set as speed dials.