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King Pigeon Hi-Tech. Co., Ltd.
Ver 1.0
4G Wireless Industrial Router
Wireless Data Connectivity
Site control will not take effect until ticked
Src. IP
Enter the IP address of the computer on the LAN that you want to
control. The source address must be filled in.
Enter the destination IP address that you want to control. If you do
not need to control the destination address, then no need to fill in,
indicating all IP addresses.
Select the type of protocol you want to control. There are five
options for TCP, UDP, TCP/UDP, ICMP, and ALL, where ALL includes
TCP, UDP, TCP/UDP, and ICMP. The default is TCP.
Dest. port
Enter the destination port number to be controlled. If you do not
need to control the destination port, select <All ports 1~65535>,
and the starting port number should not be greater than the
terminating port number.
Choose daily or weekdays (Monday to Friday), the rule takes effect
Select the time period during which the rule takes effect, and the
time is in 24-hour format. The start time should be earlier than the
end time, and 00:00 to 23:55 means that the rule takes effect at
any time during the day.
Select whether to allow matching messages (pass) or (block).
We configure an application case according to the above principles, only allowing users to send and receive
mail, and using MSN and QQ.
The port number for receiving mail is TCP 110, and sending mail port is TCP 25. Since the mail
server is in the domain name mode, there is also UDP port 53 of domain name resolution (DNS), Since the
port number of QQ,MSN is not fixed, so it cannot be controlled by port,Should choose special application .
To achieve the purpose of this case, the host needs to be allowed to access ports 110, 25, 53 and special
applications QQ, MSN, and others cannot access. . According to the rules defined above, the rules should
be added as follows (This example takes the host as an example) :
1. Allow the host to access TCP protocol port 110 , the operation of this rule is passed.
2. Allow the host to access TCP protocol port 25 , the operation of this rule is passed.
3. Allow the host to access UDP protocol port 53 , the operation of this rule is passed.
4. Allow the host to access TCP/UDP protocol special application , this operation of this
rule is passed.
5. Forbid the host to access All or TCP/UDP protocol port 1-65535 , this operation of this
rule is blocked.
The rules of 1-4 should be added first, is the data allowed to pass, last add 5, is to block all data of the
host According to the above rules, the data passed the router compared with the first added
rule,When the host is sending mail, the router will look for rules that match the data.
The sending mail port is 25, so if the first rule not met, the router will continue to check.
The second one is consistent. It is determined by this rule whether the data is passed or blocked. Since the
set operation is passed, this data can be sent through the router.
If the host wants to browse the web, it needs to allow the protocol to be TCP, and the data of port 80 is passed.
When its data arrives at the router, the router looks for rules and compares it. It turns out that 1-4 does not