Start time
End time
In this period of time, it can be called in to control the relay, The
Format :1701020304 (indicate: January 2, 2017 3 hours 4 minutes). Do not set the time to indicate
permanent authorization.
Delete user number
Pa A + serial number##
Query user number authorization time
Pa A + serial number#
Query user number
Pa AL + serial number# + serial number#
Example: 1234AL001#009# (query user number of 001~009)
Set allows any number of incoming to control relay
Set only user number available of incoming to control relay (default)
Set relay activity time
Pa GOT + the activity time#
activity time is 000~999, Unit: second
The activity time is set to 000 (default), which means that the user will automatically recovery when
the relay is activity for about 0.5 seconds
The activity time is set to 999, which means that the relay is activity until the same number is called
in again.
Set whether or not to return SMS after the relay close(on)
1) Set to return SMS to the first number and the incoming number after the relay close. (Default)
Pa GON11# + Content of SMS#