Page 6 of 17 King Pigeon Hi-Tech. Co., Ltd. Page 6 of 17 Ver 1.1 File No.:KPA1010
A Professional GSM Alarm System designer and manufacturer!
GSM SMS Controller System &GSM House Alarm System&
GSM Elderly Guarder & GPRS Telemetry Data Logger.
1) Quad-Band (850/900/1800/1900Mhz) ensure it can work in the worldwide;
2) Big Red Panic Button or Waterproof Worn Panic Button to Ask For Emergency Help;
When the aid, elderly, children and disabled need help, they can press the Big Red Button, or press Waterproof Worn Panic
Button or any other Wireless Panic Button, the GSM Elderly Guarder will automatic send SMS Alert to 3 Cell phone numbers
and dial 5 assigned numbers then automatically create two way voice communications.
3) 4 Wireless Watchdog Zones to Monitoring Activities of Daily Living;
The GSM Elderly Guarder with 4 wireless watchdog zones, it is very useful to monitoring the elderly or aid has pass through
special space in the pre-set time, because of normally a person should pass through these places. E.g.: Went out the
bedroom, went to the kitchen, went to the dining room, and went to the washing room.
4) 3 Wireless 24Hours Zones to Monitoring Living Environment;
The GSM Elderly Guarder supports 3 wireless 24Hours Zones, special for smoke detector, gas leakage detector and water
leakage detectors.
5) 4 Timers for Reminding Elderly to Take Medicine on Time;
The GSM Elderly Guarder accepts 4 timers, special for alerting the elderly to take the medicine on time or others.
6) Familiarity Numbers For Easy to Dial 3 Telephone Numbers;
Familiarity Number is also a very useful function for Two-way voice communication, once press any one of the Familiarity
Number button, the system will create two-way voice communication with the assigned number. So the elderly or disabled
can speak to her familiarity easily. Also, the familiarity can call in to create the two-way voice communication automatically.
7) Large Capacity Rechargeable Backup Battery;
The 900mAh large capacity rechargeable backup battery is useful to ensure it can work about 12hours after AC power is
failure. Also when the AC power goes off, it will send a SMS to the Cell phone number.
8) Self-checking Function;
The Self-checking function is very useful to ensure that the GSM Elderly Guarder is under good working condition.
9) User Friendly Configurations;
The GSM Elderly Guarder accepts configuration by simply SMS commands and user friendly PC Configurator via USB port.
10) Wireless strobe siren warning when Alarm occurrence. (Optional).
6. Settings
The GSM Elderly Guarder is for user-friendly design. The user can setup it by the PC Configurator through
USB cable and by SMS Commands.
Please insert the SIMCard firstly, also, you can insert the SIMCard after you setup.
When the SIMCard Rigestered to the GSM Network successful, will alert a long “Di” sound, if failure, will alert 2 short “Di Di”
sounds. When the SIMCard obtained the GSM Network time successful, will alert 3 short “Di Di Di” sounds.
Please restart the unit after you programmed it by PC configurator;
Please power on to check the LEDs can work or not, then power off it before you program it by PC Configurator.
The default password is 1234, you can modify it by enter the new password in the PC Configurator or SMS command.
The Panic button in the standard package we have learned to the Control Panel already. Needn’t to learn it again.
Two way communication: While the incoming call from
Familiarity N0. 1~3, SMS Alert No. 1~3, Alarm Dial No. 1~5
, the
GSM Elderly Guarder will automatically answer the call, and then the two-way voice communication will be created. If you
want to test the two way voice communication, please make sure the other phone is away from the unit at least 500meters.
Otherwise, the near-cross will make lots of noise interference. When the incoming call from the other numbers, the incoming