Preparing Work Area
Before using the Engine Leveler, it is important to prepare work area properly. Follow this procedure each
time the Leveler is used to help prevent property damage and or serious injury.
1.) Thoroughly inspect Leveler for damage or wear before each use. Briefly test operation of unloaded
Leveler before using to support any load. If Leveler is damaged or is malfunctioning DO NOT SUPPORT
ANY LOAD until the problem is corrected.
2.) Consult vehicle owner’s manual for safety precautions, engine weight, and location of support areas on
engine. The working load limit of this engine Leveler is between 680 kg. NEVER EXCEED WORKING
LOAD LIMIT OF support bar.
3.) Loads which are allowed to swing or move of center can exert a force greater then the weight of the
object lifted. Make sure load is secured and not able to move from the vertical lifting line.
4.) Clear children and others from work area before commencing work. Another adult should be nearby for
extra safety and assistance but must be clear of vehicle as it is worked on.
5.) Clear obstructions from work area. Working in tight or cluttered work areas is dangerous.
6.) Be sure vehicle is on solid, level ground such as paved or concrete driveway or garage floor. Uneven or
sloped surfaces create hazardous working conditions and dangerously impeded the function of the
support bar.
7.) With vehicle in proper position, set vehicle’s parking brake or emergency brake and put gearshift in park
(manual transmissions should be placed in lowest gear). TURN VEHICLE IGNITION OFF AND TO THE
“LOCK” POSITION making sure steering wheel locks.
8.) Chock all wheels of vehicle to prevent vehicle rolling. Using wedge-shaped blocks that tyre cannot roll
over, position one chock tight against the tyre in both forward and reverse rolling paths.
Using the Leveler
Follow all instructions and precautions below and those of the lifting device.
1.) With Leveler properly assembled, place the Leveler onto the lifting device making instruction from both
devices are adhered too.
2.) Attach Chains to the Engine, making sure the device is securely attached to the engine and is suitably
rated to hold the weight.
3.) Slowly lift load via lifting device until it just about to bear load, check the leveler is securely connect to the
engine and the leveler appears level.
4.) Inspect engine securing device making sure it is properly attached to the engine.
5.) Remove connections on engine. Slight adjust of the leveler may be required by cranking the handle to
maintain engine position after other fasteners are loosened or removed.
6.) Never leave an engine suspended by an engine Leveler and other lifting device – the product is intended
for short term use during repair. As soon as is practicable engine should repaired and engine Leveler