This alarm is designed to minimize nuisance alarms. Cigarette smoke will not normally cause the unit to alarm, unless
the smoke is blown directly into the alarm. Combustion particles from cooking may set off the alarm if it is located too
close to a cooking appliance. Large quantities of combustible particles are generated from spills or when broiling. Using
the fan on a range hood which vents to the outside (non-recirculating type) will also help prevent nuisance alarms from
occurring by removing these combustible products from the kitchen.
Carbon Monoxide (CO) nuisance
Pushing the button during CO alarm allows the unit to reset calculations and double check for the presence
of CO. If the unit re-alarms within 6 minutes, it is sensing high levels of CO which can quickly become a dangerous
situation. Move to fresh air and call 911.
wArnIng: It IS IMpOSSIBle tO deterMIne tHe SOUrCe OF A CO AlArM USIng SIgHt Or SMell.
AlwAyS COnSIder A CO AlArM eVent AS dAngerOUS.
12. Battery Backup
This alarm is powered with AC power, but also contains a sealed lithium battery backup system. No battery installation or
replacement is necessary for the life of the alarm.
AC power must be connected to obtain the full 10 year battery and unit life.
Constant exposure to high
or low humidity or temperatures may reduce battery life.
wArnIng: nO SerVICeABle pArtS InClUded. dO nOt AtteMpt tO Open tHe AlArM FOr Any
reASOn! dO nOt try tO repAIr tHe AlArM yOUrSelF.
low Battery
This alarm is equipped with a low battery monitor circuit. If the battery capacity can no longer provide adequate power
for all alarm functions, the low battery condition will occur. See Troubleshooting Guide. The unit must be replaced with-
in 7 days of the first occurrence of the “Low Battery Warning” to provide continuous alarm protection.