The Effects of CO Exposure
When you breathe carbon monoxide, it enters your bloodstream
through your lungs and attaches to red blood cells. These red blood
cells, called haemoglobin, carry oxygen throughout your body. CO mol-
ecules attach to the red blood cells 200 times faster than oxygen, pre-
venting the flow of oxygen to your heart, brain and vital organs. As CO
accumulates in your bloodstream, your body becomes starved for oxy-
gen. The amount of CO in a person’s body can be measured by a sim-
ple blood test, called a “carboxyhaemoglobin level” test .
The early symptoms of CO poisoning are often mistaken for the flu –
headache, dizziness, weakness, nausea, vomiting, sleepiness, and
confusion. Breathing very high concentrations of CO can be lethal in
Your Family at Risk for CO Poisoning
Carbon monoxide is the number one cause of poisoning deaths. While
anyone is susceptible, experts agree that unborn babies, small chil-
dren, senior citizens and people with heart or respiratory problems are
especially vulnerable to CO and are at the greatest risk for death or
serious injury.
Where CO Comes From
Inside your home, fuel burning appliances used for heating and cooking
are the most likely sources of CO. Vehicles running in attached
garages can also produce dangerous levels of carbon monoxide.
A by-product of combustion, CO can be a potential problem from a
number of common sources such as – a running automobile, a furnace
or water heater leak or misuse of a fireplace, wood stove, charcoal grill,
a gas range and space heater leak or misuse, and running portable
generators where exhaust can enter the home.
When appliances are in good working condition and with proper ventila-
tion, lethal CO gas is vented outdoors where it quickly disperses. Even
the slightest malfunction or misuse of any of the above sources can
lead to a build-up of CO in your home that can become deadly before
you even know it’s there.
You don’t have to have ancient appliances to have a CO problem.
What You Should Know Before the Alarm Sounds
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