Locking Fold Down Backrest with Transit
NOTE: The new Locking Fold Down Backrest assembly, standard and transit, uses new backrest
tubes. If the chair does not already have the new backrest design, new backrest tubes are needed
as the old tubes are not compatible.
1. Remove any cushion or seating components that may be in the way during backrest removal. Also,
remove any backrest tubes and/or handles that may be used after the backrest installation process.
2. Remove the current backrest assembly. See the Backrest Assembly section for removal instructions.
NOTE: Refer to parts manual for additional information on compatibility restrictions for the new
backrest design.
3. Install the transit backrest plate (D) onto the frame with two bolts (E), back saddle (C), two saddles (B)
and two nuts (A) using a 4mm Allen wrench and a 10mm wrench.
4. Repeat on opposite side.
5. The rest of the process for installing the backrest is the same as the Locking Fold Down Standard
Backrest. See the Backrest Assembly section for remaining installation instructions.
When Used
50mm When bolt goes through the frame, back bracket and back saddle.
When bolt goes through the tower and frame only. Also used when bolt goes through
the frame, back bracket and back saddles.
65mm When bolt goes through the tower, frame, back bracket and back saddle.
Bolt E