W. Frame Width
2. Attendant Foot Lock Width Adjustment
a. Remove both wheels. Note how much of the axle sleeve is protruding from nut. Using a
24mm wrench, remove axle sleeve, washer and nut (Fig. 51:A) from axle tube (Fig. 51:B).
Repeat for opposite side of chair.
b. Remove axle tube and lock assembly from chair. Using a 4mm Allen wrench and a 10mm
wrench, remove screw (Fig. 51:C) from rod guide (Fig. 51:D). Repeat for opposite side of
c. Using two 3mm Allen wrenches, while holding screw (Fig. 51:E) on one side of chair, remove
corresponding screw on opposite side of chair.
d. Slide link rod (Fig. 51:F) out from rod levers (Fig. 51:G). Remove other screw from link rod.
e. Slide rod guide and rod lever outward enough to expose E-Rings (Fig. 51:H). Using a pair of
pliers, remove E-Ring (Fig. 51:H) from locking rod (Fig. 51:I). Repeat for opposite side of
f. Align new locking rod with old locking rod (end to end) and push the old locking rod from the
rod guide out with the new, being sure to keep spring inside of rod guide in place, keeping
the new rod above the spring. Use a flat screwdriver through end slot if necessary to keep
spring compressed while inserting new rod. Continue insertion of new rod through rod guide
on opposite side of chair, again making sure that the spring remains beneath the new rod. If
spring slips and extends before getting the new rod in place, use a flat screwdriver to retract
the spring through the side slots in the rod guide.
g. Position rod guide and rod lever outboard of the E-Ring grooves in the new locking rod.
Reinstall E-Rings and slide rod guides/rod levers in against E-Rings.
h. Slide new link rod through rod levers and reattach with screws (Fig. 51:E) using two 3mm
Allen wrenches.
i. Align holes in rod guides with cross holes in axle tube and reinstall screws (Fig. 51:C).
j. After adjusting the width of the rest of the chair (See Section X.), slide reassembled axle tube
assembly between the axle plates and reinstall the axle sleeves with washers and nuts.
Ensure that the axle protrudes the same amount on both sides of the chair and that it is at
the same distance as it was before removing in step 1.
k. Reinstall wheels and verify function.
Fig. 51