Protector Operation Manual
Keywest Technology
14563 W. 96
Lenexa, Kansas 66215
10 July 2000
Using the GPIO screen can be useful if the Protector has entered an incorrect mode (such as,
being in SEQUENCE FOLLOW mode when it should have been GPI OFF mode…you can use
this screen to manually force the unit into the correct mode).
A second possible time you may want to use the GPIO screen is during special coverage from
the network. It has occurred during erratic market swings, that the network ran the ticker after
normal hours and through weekends. For this occurrence, it would be beneficial to force the
Protector into the SEQUENCE FOLLOW mode for GPI #1, rather than changing you normal
programming in the EVENT CONTROLLER. So, when normal schedules resume, the Protector
will still be programmed correctly.
With this basic knowledge, we’re ready to examine the most important part of the GUI for the
stock ticker job—the EVENT CONTROLLER.