Whilst e2v technologies has taken care to ensure the accuracy of the information contained herein it accepts no responsibility for the
consequences of any use thereof and also reserves the right to change the specification of goods without notice. e2v technologies accepts
no liability beyond the set out in its standard conditions of sale in respect of infringement of third party patents arising from the use of tubes
or other devices in accordance with information contained herein.
e2v technologies (uk) limited, Waterhouse Lane, Chelmsford, Essex CM1 2QU United Kingdom Holding Company: e2v technologies plc
Telephone: +44 (0)1245 493493 Facsimile: +44 (0)1245 492492
Contact e2v by e-mail:
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e2v technologies (uk) limited 2013
CR 114528
21 Mar 2013
DAS775571AA Version 2, page 1
User Manual