Keywest Technology Information Systems
Keywest Technology
14563 W. 96
Lenexa, Kansas 66215
18 March 2005
Change 01
Appendix A: CD/DVD Option
The CD/DVD Drive option for the MX product line provides an alternate method to load
content, playlists, and schedules on the player machines.
The user can create a playlist, schedule, and gather content on their remote scheduler PC, burn
those files to a CD or DVD and manually transport to the players—a good alternative if no
network connection is available.
To create a scheduler CD or DVD, the user will need some sort of CD or DVD authoring
(burning) software. For our examples here, screenshots of Nero Burning ROM© are used, but
by no means is that the only software CD/DVD authorning software capbable of creating usable
scheduler CD/DVDs.
The CD/DVD used to transport data to the player can contain content (media), or playlists, or
schedules, or any combination of those three types. If the intent is to transport a schedule that
will immediately play after extraction, all three file types will need to be in the root of the
Step 1:
Create a Playlist and Schedule as described previously in this manual; ensure the Playlist and
Scheudule are saved.
Step 2:
Close your MX Scheduler software
Step 3:
Open the CD/DVD Authoring
software and create a new
project…ensure the new project
finalizes the CD/DVD (no further
recording possible).