General Operating Information
Keysight U2040 X-Series User’s Guide
SCPI command is [:SENSe[1]:]AVERage:COUNt:AUTO OFF| 0 +
[:SENSe[1]:]AVERage:COUNt <numeric_value>
OFF – Disables averaging. The corresponding SCPI command is
[:SENSe[1]:]AVERage[:STATe] OFF |0
When the sensor is set to AVERAGE mode, an additional setting is added in the
channel panel that allows you to configure aperture time and duty cycle
Figure 2-23
Channel Setup -Normal Mode
Aperture time – Sets the aperture duration or measurement interval. Select the unit
from the drop down and enter the aperture time value. By default, the aperture is 50ms.
The corresponding SCPI command is [:SENSe[1]:]SWEep:APERture <numeric_value>.
Duty cycle - Sets the pulse power measurement value. Select
Duty Cycle()
check box
for the duty cycle text box to appear and enter the desired value. Deselect the check
box to disable the pulse power measurement value. By default, this field is disabled.
The corresponding SCPI command is [:SENSe[1]:]CORRection:DCYCle|GAIN3:STATe
ON|OFF|1|0 and [:SENSe[1]:]CORRection:DCYCle|GAIN3[:INPut][:MAGNitude]
Figure 2-24
Channel Setup - Average Mode