Keysight N5990A - 301 PCI Express Link Training Suite User Guide
PCIe Link Training Suite - Overview
The Keysight PCIe Link Training Suite (N5990A-301) is a flexible tool for
trouble- shooting and debugging. It controls the pattern sequencer of a
Keysight J-BERT (N4903B or M8020A), to bring the device under test into
the loop-back mode. Enabling the loop-back mode is usually a
prerequisite for receiver compliance testing.
The PCIe LTS complements the full Test Automation Software (Keysight
N5990A opt. 101 or 201, according to the configuration), which provides
automated physical layer compliance tests and device characterization.
The software runs on a standard Windows XP or Windows 7 PC and
controls the hardware test resources through appropriate interfaces such
as a LAN (Local Area Network).