Keysight N5990A-301 PCI Express Link Training Suite User Guide
Using the Software
Saving and Loading Settings
Apply and Save
in the main menu or on the main window to
store the current settings. Note that before the settings are saved,
they are applied to the hardware. The settings are saved only when
they are successfully applied to the hardware, which guarantees
that only such settings that are consistent are saved.
Load and Apply
to restore the settings at any time. The
restored settings are then immediately applied to the hardware.
Expert Mode
In the “Options” menu, you can enable “Expert Mode”. This mode is
recommended for advanced users and offers some more parameters to
modify. The main advantage of the Expert Mode is the possibility of editing the
link training sequence and pattern using a special script.
Exporting The Script
Once you have found a link training sequence suitable for the DUT, you may
want to export that sequence, either to use it later or to the automated test
solution software.
To export the script that is currently being used for the training sequence,
File > Export Script
. This saves the script to a file, regardless of whether
you defined it via parameters or by editing the PCIe generic script. The next
section provides details about the scripts.