If the measured frequency is too high, you are finding too many edges and should increase the
Noise Rejection level. If the measured frequency is too low or nonexistent, decrease the
measurement range. In either case, it is preferable to select the lowest fixed measurement range
that can still measure the signal.
CWA Configuration
This section describes typical CWA configuration. To configure CWA (usually after pressing a
CWA Setup
Press the
Sync Source
key and select the channel whose zero crossings will define cycles for
Noise Rejection
and select the amount of hysteresis to add in order to prevent the
signal from falsely counting extra edges on a noisy or distorted signal.
If your signal is raised or lowered by a DC offset, press the
Sync Offset
softkey and enter the
amount by which the signal is offset.
Press the
Meas Mode
softkey. Choose AC to measure the AC content of the signal, DC for
the DC content, and AC+DC for the combined AC and DC content. This applies only to
power measurements, such Apparent Power and Real Power.
Meas Window
and specify the length of the CWA measurement window. The actual
window will be slightly longer, as described in the Theory of Operation, above.
If necessary, Increase the CWA Window to measure low frequencies, as shown below.
CWA Window Min. Measurable Freq.
50 ms
200 Hz
100 ms
100 Hz
200 ms
45 Hz
500 ms
20 Hz
1 s
10 Hz
2 s
5 Hz
5 s
2 Hz
10 s
1 Hz
20 s
0.5 Hz
Keysight IntegraVision PA2200 Series Power Analyzers Operating and Service Guide 111