This error is an indication that some of the KeyScan software libraries or settings of registry failed or your system does not have
Microsoft .NET2.0 SP1 or later installed. The most common reason for failure of installation of the KeyScan libraries of registry
keys is trying to do the installation without having Administrator privileges on the computer or is there is a 3rd party or Windows
security firewall that block some or all of the installation operations.
To enable proper KeyScan libraries installation make sure to login as an administrator and if required disable relevant firewall
functions during the installation.
If the Microsoft .NET2.0 SP1 or later is missing follow the instructions in "How to download the Microsoft .NET2.0 SP1 or
When & How to clean the scanner sensor glass
The KS810-P is a sheet feed scanner. If scanned paper has some glue (envelop with "fresh" stamp) or white correction fluid etc.
it may leave some dirt at certain points on the scanner glass. During scanning such "dirt points" are translated into vertical dark
lines all the way across the scanned document.
Open the back door of the scanner (by pulling it out).
Clean the scanner sensor glass right below the black roller, you may use cloth or plastic or wooden toothpick and move it
along and between the roller and the sensor glass, the wide open area of glass beyond the roller does not matter that much
only the area below the roller since this is the focus point of the scanner.
After cleaning put back the door, make sure to listen to the "click" on both sides of the door when they snap into position.
You must recalibrate the scanner with a white clean paper and test the results.
If required repeat these operations until you get good results.
How to eliminate gray/black vertical lines from the scanned output image?
Please check "When & how to clean the scanner sensor glass".
Where can I find more information on how to operate the scanner?
KeyScan KS810-P user manual is placed on
"<KeyScan installation folder>\KeyScan Documents\
KeyScan User Manual.pdf"
KeyScan quick installation guide can be found on the <KeyScan installation folder>.
You can go to KeyScan web site at, navigate to "Support\Downloads"
Using the KeyScan KS810: this is a general overview of the scanner
KeyScan Tutorial: short examples of the main scanner functions
Navigate on the to "How To" Videos to get few short videos demonstrating few of the scanner modes of
Navigate to "FAQ" and browse the questions and answers
What is the difference between "KeyScan Imaging" (Blue icon) and "NoTouch-
AutoScan" (Orange icon)?
KeyScan Imaging (blue icon): is scanning interface application that let you scan multiple documents, each may have multiple
pages and per each documents decide what functions to activate with that document.
NoTouch-AutoScan (orange icon): a small application that runs in the background and sense automatically the placement of
document on the scanner feeding tray and either perform the NoTouch default function or display the AutoScan function
selection dialog for activation of up to 15 preset functions.
If you hit the <Page up> or <page down> keys while in AutoScan dialog you can browse between its optional 15 preset
functions, make sure the dialog is "selected".
How to enable/disable NoTouch-AutoScan?
Make sure the NoTouch-AutoScan application is running, you should see its orange icon on the "icon tray" on the right part
of the bottom applications bar.
Click on the NoTouch-AutoScan icon placed on the "Icons tray" (not the one on your desktop).
On the popup menu select to enable or disable the NoTouch-AutoScan.
How to Enable/Disable the 4 scanning buttons?
Make sure the NoTouch-AutoScan application is running, you should see its orange icon on the "icon tray" on the right part
of the bottom applications bar.
Click on the NoTouch-AutoScan icon placed on the "Icons tray" (not the one on your desktop).
On the popup menu select to enable or disable the 4 scanner buttons.
Please note that the scanner buttons and NoTouch-AutoScan can't be enabled at the same time.
The 4 scanner buttons are dual functions, when disabled as scanner functions they become multimedia functions: [Mute]
[Volume-up] [Volume-down] [Multimedia-application]
How to quickly change all color scanning settings into Gray-Scale mode?
Make sure the NoTouch-AutoScan application is running, you should see its orange icon on the "icon tray" on the right part
of the bottom applications bar.
Click on the NoTouch-AutoScan icon placed on the "Icons tray" (not the one on your desktop).
On the popup menu select "Override all to Gray" or disable this function.