08/2016 Rev. 1.0
Page 3
Eval Kit
1 Introduction
The KETEK SiPM Evaluation Kit allows an easy operation and evaluation of any KETEK SiPM. It can be used
for a wide range of applications which require e.g. single photon counting or measurements with scintilla
tors. Two of the Evaluation Kits can be mounted face to face for coincidence measurements.
The SiPM Evaluation Kit is equipped with a preamplifier and set up modularly so that the PCBs with the
presoldered SiPMs can be swapped to a different SiPM model.
For the operation of the Evaluation Kit only a +12 V DC power supply, a bias source and an oscilloscope are
For full technical details of the SiPMs and the Evaluation Kit, please refer to the
KETEK SiPM Datasheet and
the KETEK SiPM Evaluation Kit Datasheet.
Additionally, KETEK provides a SiPM Bias Source which can be directly connected to the Evaluation Kit.
Please refer to the
KETEK SiPM Bias Source Datasheet
for further information.
2 Setup Example
The signal and bias connectors are SMA type, the preamplifier is equipped with solder pins. An over
view is shown in figure 1. Signal lines need to be be terminated with 50 Ω.
Preamplifier power: +12V DC, 150 mA
Bias: positive with max. + 40 V, typical current limit 2 mA
Signal: connected to the preamplifier
Signal corresponds to 90% of the SiPM signal
Monitor: connected to an oscilloscope (50 Ω DC)
Monitor corresponds to 10% of the SiPM signal
Amplified Signal: connected to an oscilloscope (50 Ω DC)
Since the SiPM is a highly sensitive photodetector, it must be operated under dark conditions.
After biasing the SiPM with e.g. 4 V above the breakdown voltage, dark counts should be visible at the
Amplified Signal path, using e.g. a timebase of 100 ns/div and a vertical resolution of 20 mV/div. The
Monitor is used for higher photon fluxes for which the preamplifier saturates (e.g. when coupling a
bright scintillator).
Note: The procedure may vary depending on the used readout electronics. For the examples shown here, a
digital oscilloscope is used.
Fig. 1 SiPM Evaluation Kit Connection Scheme
+12 V DC
PCB with SiPM
Mounting Holes for
Coincidence Setup
Technologies Limited The Coach House Watery Lane Bath BA2 1RL
T: +44 (0) 1225 780400 F: +44 (0) 8701 266449 E: [email protected]