Heating circuits
Time clock
Holiday programme
Time clock
HC1 Boiler 1.1
HC2 Boiler 1.2
Time clock
Single day
Multiple days
Single day
Period1: 06:00-22:00
Period2: 00:00-00:00
Period3: 00:00-00:00
e. Time clock
Each heating circuit can be
programmed to a specific time clock
with three periods per day, single
days individually Monday through to
Sunday, or multiple days Monday to
Friday or Saturday and Sunday
Single / Multiple.....e.g.:
Heating circuits
Time clock
Holiday programme
Holiday programme
HC1 Boiler 1.1
HC2 Boiler 1.2
Period 1
Start: 01/01/2014
End: 01/01/2014
f. Holiday programme
Each heating circuit can have up
to 8 holiday periods which are
programmed between start and end