SUPERtrol-I LE Flow Computer
11. Flow Computer Setup Software
The ST1LE setup program provides for configuring, monitoring and controlling a ST1LE unit.
Sample applications are stored in disk files. The setup program calls these
. You can store the
setup from the program’s memory to either the ST1LE (
the file) or to a disk file (
file) for later usage. Similarly you can load the setup in program memory from either a disk file (
file) or from the ST1LE unit (Up
a file).
The program can monitor outputs from the unit while it is running.
The program can reset alarms and totalizers.
For assistance there are mini-helps at the bottom of each screen in the program. There is also context
sensitive help available for each screen accessible by pressing the F1 key.
11.1 System Requirements:
Windows® XP/Vista/7/8/10
3 MB free disk space
Communication Port - RS-232 (A
USB to RS232 converter is required for PCs without RS-232 port)
RS-232 Cable - Mounting Style "P" - Panel Mount units require a cable which matches the available
communication port on your PC and a 9 pin male connection for the ST1LE serial port.
Mounting Style "W" - Wall Mount units require a cable which matches the available
communication port on your PC and a 4 wire connection to the terminal block on ST1LE
serial port. A RS232 DB 9 female to individual wires may be required in order to connect
to the terminal block RS232 connector in this enclosure style.
11.2 Cable and Wiring Requirements:
The serial communication port on your PC is either a 25 pin or 9 pin connector. No cabling is supplied with
the setup software. A cable must be purchased separately or made by the user. It is recommended to
purchase a modem cable which matches the available communication port on your PC and a 9 pin male
connection for the ST1LE serial port.
11.3 Installation for Windows
It is good practice to quit all unnecessary programs running before beginning the installation procedure. In
some instances, it may be required that antivirus programs be disabled.
Software installation can be done either from a file downloaded from our website or from an installation disc
provided with the product. To install from the disc, simply open the CD/DVD drive and insert the installation disc.
A setup wizard window should be launched. In case there is none, open the Explorer and navigate to the CD/
DVD drive. Double click on the Setup file.
Once the wizard is running, simply follow the prompts until the installation process is completed.
For installation from the Web, launch your browser application and download the setup file to your hard drive.
After completion of the downloading process, run the setup program to execute the setup wizard that will
handle the automatic installation of the software.
After the installation procedure has been completed and the setup wizard has terminated, it is best to reboot
your machine before launching the newly installed software.