6) T h e H y p e r Te r m i n a l s t a r t s , a n d t h e ”C o n n e c t i o n
Description” window is displayed.
7) Input the name that you want to use, in the ”Name”
column, then click ”OK”.
8) Change the COM Port of the”Connect using” setting if
necessary. (For example, select COM1.)
9) After selecting ”OK” on the ”Connect To” window, the
”COM1 Properties” window is displayed.
10) Confirm the PC terminal baud rate speed set to the
transceiver by following these steps:
(1) Press the [F] key, then press the Tuning control.
(2) Select ”AUX" by turning the Tuning control.
(3) Press the Tuning control to display the AUX menu.
Turn the Tuning control to select menu number 519 (PC
PORT BAUDRATE). The baud rate is displayed.
(5) Press the [ESC] key to exit menu mode.
11) Select the confirmed baud rate (from step 10, above)
from the ”Bits per second” pull-down menu on the ”
COM1 Properties” window.
12) Click ”OK” on the ”COM1 Properties” window. The
”HyperTerminal” window is displayed.
13) Press the [TNC] key on the operation panel. ”APRS
12 OPENING TNC” will appear on the display for
approximately 1 second, followed by ”APRS12”.
Press the [TNC] key again to enter the packet mode.
The TNC MPU version is displayed on the HyperTerminal
Kenwood Radio Modem TNC MPU version
AX.25 Level 2 Version 2.0
Release 23/Jun/07 3Chip ver 1.00
Checksum $FD16
cmd:DA 070702113600
14) To exit the packet mode, press the [TNC] key.
Measuring Equipment for Alignment
1. Digital voltmeter (D.V.M)
Input impedance: High
2. RF valve voltmeter (RF V.M)
Input impedance: 1M
or more, 2pF or less
Voltage range: Full scale=10mV to 300V
Measureable frequency range: Up to 450MHz
3. Frequency counter (f.counter)
Input sensitivity: About 50mV
Measureable frequency: 450MHz or more
4. DC power supply
Voltage: Variable in the range 10 to 17V
Current: 13A or more
5. Power meter
Measurement power: 60W, 30W, 10W
Measurable frequency: 450MHz
6. AF valve voltmeter (AF V.M)
Input impedance: 1M
or more
Voltage rane: Full scale=1mV to 30V
Measurable frequency range: 50Hz to 10kHz
7. AF generator (AG)
Output frequency: 100Hz to 10kHz
Output voltage: 0.5mV to 1V
8. Linear detector
Measurable frequency: 450MHz
9. Spectrum analyzer
Measurable frequency: 450MHz
10. Directional coupler
11. Oscilloscope
High sensitivity with horizontal input terminal
12. Standard signal generator (SSG)
The standard signal generator must be able to generate
the 1.3GHz band frequencies and bary the amplitude and
Output: –133dBm to greater than –13dBm
13. Dummy load (for AF)
, about 5W
14. Noise generator
The noise generator must be able to generate noise
similar to ignition noise containing high-frequency
components of 450MHz or more.
15. Sweep generator
The sweep generator must be able to sweep the 144
and 430MHz bands.
16. Tracking generator