Horn alert can be reset by setting an expiration time from
the FPU, pressing the any key, or setting off hook.
Operation when KCT-18
is connected
KCT-18 cannot be connected
Power on/off and
Horn alert on/off
Horn alert on/off
Power cannot be turned on
Free System Ringback
This feature is available only when a telephone intercon-
nected ID code is selected. If a busy tone sounds when the
PTT button is pressed, the transceiver enters this mode au-
When the PTT button is released, a beep sounds for
400ms to indicate that the mode has been entered. If the
scan is on, it is resumed (the “SCN” mark goes on). When
any repeater becomes available, a ringing tone sounds and
this mode ends.
The mode is terminated when the system, group, scan,
PTT, key is changed.
System Search
This feature can be programmed to automatically access
other programmed systems when the selected system can-
not be accessed. If an intercept tone sounds when the PTT
button is pressed after setting the mode, the transceiver
has entered the mode.
If the group ID is a telephone interconnect ID, the trans-
ceiver then attempts to access, in succession, other sys-
tems that have a telephone interconnect ID in the revert
group location. If the group ID is a dispatch ID, the trans-
ceiver attempts to access other systems that have a dis-
patch ID programmed in the revert group location.
If there is no system to be accessed, an intercept tone
sounds, the mode is terminated, and the transceiver returns
to the first system. If the access is successful, the mode is
terminated, and the searched system becomes the new se-
lected system (If during scanning, the scan stops).
This feature can be programmed to turn on and off for
each group. If the ID of the group for which transpond is
enabled is received, two data messages (transmit ID and
turn-off code) are automatically transmitted if the PTT but-
ton is not pressed as a response within the time set (0 to
300 seconds in 1-second increments). If the PTT button is
pressed within the time, the transpond is not preformed.
Data TX with QT/DQT
Whether programmed QT/DQT is modulated or not with
a data transmission except for Selcall. A radio unit can re-
ceive a data message regardless of QT/DQT if the receiving
unit is not scanning.
Transmit Inhibit
The transceiver can be programmed with a transmit in-
hibit block of ID codes. If an ID code within this block is
decoded the preset time before the PTT button is pressed,
transmission is inhibited. The BUSY indicator lights and a
busy tone sounds until the PTT button is released to indicate
that transmission is not possible (except clear-to talk mode).
Transmission with the group for which the encode ID is
not set is inhibited, and the busy tone is output while the
PTT button is held down, regardless of the clear-to talk set-
Call Indicator
The call indicator can be programmed for each group. In
trunked system, it can be set to respond to a selectable de-
code ID or one of two fixed IDs, except block IDs. When a
call is received with a selectable decode ID, the call indicator
flashes. When a call is received with a fixed ID, the call
indicator lights continuously.
On a conventional system, the call indicator can be pro-
grammed to light for each QT or DQT code. It keeps flash-
ing while a call is being received. It is turned off by pressing
any front panel key.
TX-RX unit A/2
Foil side