11. Guarantee
Dear customer,
thank you for purchasing this Kenwood product. If this product shows defects in material or workmanship under normal operating
conditions, we will remove these free of charge or replace the device in accordance with the following warranty provisions.
Please keep this warranty card in a safe place.
Kenwood guarantees this device for a period of two years from the date of purchase as shown on the invoice or sales receipt from the
Kenwood dealer.
This warranty covers material and workmanship defects. We reserve the right to replace the product if cost-efficient epair is no longer
possible. Costs for packaging and installation as well as costs and risks in connection with the actual repair are not included in the
warranty and will be invoiced.
A. To assert warranty claims, in addition to submitting this warranty card, the following information is required:
Your name with full address
The receipt or invoice from a retailer based in an EU country indicating the original date of purchase.
The full name and address of the retailer from whom the product was purchased.
The serial number and model name of the product.
Kenwood reserves the right to refuse warranty service if the aforementioned information is missing or if changes have been made to
the product since it was first pu chased.
B. At the time of delivery to the retailer, this product complies with all standards and safety regulations applicable in the country
of destination. Modifications equired to operate the device in countries outside the country of destination are not covered by the
aforementioned warranty conditions. In addition, we do not accept any liability for work in this context or for damage to the product
resulting from such work.
If the product is used in a country for which it was not designed and manufactured, warranty work will only be carried out if the user
bears the costs for upgrading the device to nationally applicable standards and safety regulations.
In addition, if the product differs from the products sold by the official importer and if spa e parts are not available for the repair of this
product, the user must bear the costs of transporting the device to and from the country of purchase.
The same applies if no warranty services can be offered in the country concerned for other legitimate reasons.
C. The following are excluded from the warranty:
(a) Changes to the product, as well as normal maintenance and adjustment work, including the regular checks mentioned in the
Operating Instructions.
(b) Damage to the product caused by inadequate or improper work if this work was carried out by third parties who are not authorised
to carry out warranty services on behalf of the manufacturer.
(c) Damage caused by negligence, accidents, changes, improper installation, defective packaging, incorrect operation or the use of
incorrect spare parts for repairs.
(d) Damage caused by fi e, water damage, lightning strikes, earthquakes, inadequate ventilation, force majeure, connection to incorrect
mains voltage or other causes for which Kenwood is not responsible.
(e) Damage to speakers due to operation at a power higher than that specified. Damage to ecords, audio tapes, audio and video
cassettes, compact CDs and other objects that are not part of the product.
(f) Consumable or wearing parts that have to be replaced as part of normal customer service, such as: Pick-up systems, needles, drive
belts, tape heads, plug-in units, audio consoles, dry batteries, rechargeable batteries, power output tubes, etc.
(g) All products in which the serial number(s) has been completely or partially removed, changed or made illegible.
This warranty can be claimed by anyone who has purchased the product legally.
In accordance with the aforementioned warranty conditions, the product will be repaired or replaced free of charge. This right does not
in any way affect other rights of the user within the framework of the applicable legal provisions.
Repairs or replacements do not extend the warranty period.
Further claims are excluded, in particular those for conversion, reduction or compensation.
Contact address:
First Floor, Gleneagles, the Belfry, Colonial Way, Watford, Hertfordshire WD24 4WH
Email : [email protected] www.kenwood-electronics.co.uk