Based in Kansas City, Missouri, USA, for over 60 years, Ken-A-Vision is a
recognized leader in providing superb vision aids for education, audio visual,
research, and manufacturing applications. Ken-A-Vision has become known for
its quality; some of Ken-A-Vision’s most successful innovations have been in its
Microprojector, Cordless Microscopes, MVP and Video Flex Cameras lines.
For more information contact us today!
is the world leader in manufacturing,
designing and providing quality visual aids.
Corporate Headquarters:
Ken-A-Vision Mfg. Co., Inc.
5615 Raytown Road
Kansas City, MO 64133 USA
Fax: 816-358-5072
© 2007 Ken-A-Vision Mfg. Co., Inc. All rights reserved. Other trademark names may be of their prospective owners. No part of the contents of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in
any form without the written permission of Ken-A-Vision Mfg. Co., Inc.
Ken-A-Vision reserves the right to make design improvement(s) and other changes with the latest advanccements in technology. There is no obligation to make changes in products already manufactured.
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European Office:
Ken-A-Vision International GmbH
Alte Bohle 33
D-50321 Brühl, Germany
Fax: +49-2232-200897
BY K E N - A - V I S IO N