X8 SuperSnake GT02XW
Operating manual - EN
2.9 Cooler preparation
The use of a subfeeder increases the cooling liquid consumption. Before welding, ensure that there is
enough cooling liquid in the cooler and that also the subfeeder system is filled with coolant. Add cool-
ing liquid, as necessary, and circulate the coolant throughout the system.
Pump the coolant through the system by pressing the coolant circulation button in the front panel of the
power source.
When you press and hold the coolant circulation button, the pump starts to circulate the coolant automatically.
Press the coolant circulation button again to interrupt the fill-up, for example, if any coupling is loose.
If the line does not fill up during 1 minute after the button has been released, the automatic filling stops and
the indicator LED blinks green and red in turns. The indicator panel also includes indicator LEDs which are yel-
low if the coolant level is too low or the coolant temperature is too high. When there are no problems with the
circulation, the indicator LED is green.
For more instructions on operating the cooler, refer to the X8 MIG Welder manual.
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Rev. 1901