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This command will disable the specified Real Server. I.e. No more traffic will be directed to the Real Server.
This command will disable the Real Server on all virtual services where this Real Server is configured.
1.4. Enable_rs <IPspec>
This command will re-enable the specified Real Server. The Real Server will be re-enabled for all virtual
1.5. Health check
This command switches the input to the health check parameter command set.
1.6. Rules
This command switches the input to the rule configuration command set. Rules are only available if the L7
option has been activated.
1.7. Show <name|VIP>
This command will display all information about the given Virtual Service. If no Virtual Service is specified,
information about all Virtual Services will be displayed.
1.8. Vip <name|VIP>
This command switches the input to the virtual service command set. A <VIP> is the IP address of the Virtual
Service. A <name> is the name of the Virtual Service.
If no Virtual Service with the specified IP address (or IP name respectively), then a new Virtual Service will be
created. No changes will occur to the configuration until the user returns to the top level command level.
1.9. Help
Prints a summary of commands at the current level.
1.10. End
Terminate the CLI session.
1.11. Exit
Since the input level is at the top level, this command has no affect.
2. Adaptive scheduling command level
The following commands are available at the adaptive command level. No changes to the
configuration will occur until the command level returns to the top level. I.e. when the user types
2.1. Interval <Integer>
With this command, the interval of sampling the server loads will be set to <Integer> seconds.
2.2. Min <Integer>
The minimum load (as a percentage) where adaptive balancing takes effect can be set.
If the mean load of the server falls below this threshold, the virtual service will be considered "idle" and the
weights will return gradually to their "static" values.
2.3. Port <PortSpec>