Check the product if it’s damaged before connecting it to the vehicle. Repair if necessary.
Connect the harrow onto the ATV. Make sure that the machine cannot come off.
Set the desired angle of the different functions; rossboard, harrow tines and roller.
Drive and check the machines movement before starting your work.
Never use faulty safety equipment!
Only people who understand the safety information and instructions in this manual may op-
erate the equipment. Be alert and careful when working with the machine and only use the
tool or product in the manner described in this manual. When working with equipment that
has moving parts, there is always the risk of injury. Always work alone with the tools that are
defined as single purpose tools. Respect the equipment’s danger zone.
Check the surface of the ground/working area before starting the operation
Reduce speed when working on slopes and uneven terrain.
All maneuvers is done at the vehicle’s driver position.
Practice the movement pattern calmly and methodically when raking the gravel paths /
gravel fields.
Maximum driving speed is 10 km / h.
Adjustment of the various tools is done with adjusting levers/crank handles.
The machine is equipped with side scraper (plow) with the steering wheel towards the
rim to pull the material or pushed out from the groove.
If the surface requires more weight during operation, there are two weight boxes (A) with
size 37 x 37 cm. Don’t overload the machine, max. allowed weight on weight boxes is
40kg + 40kg.