2400S-903-01 Rev. E / September 2011
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Section Topics
Series 2400 SourceMeter® Quick Start Guide
Section 1: Introduction
Percent deviation
This calculation provides the percent deviation between the normal display reading and the user
specified reference value:
% Deviation =
where:X is the normal display measurement reading.
Y is the reference value.
The reference value (Y) can be a user-specified value or a reading acquired by the SourceMeter.
Use the following menu sequence to configure and enable the percent deviation math function:
Press CONFIG > press FCTN > select %DEV
After selecting %DEV you will be prompted to set the reference value. Either key in the reference
value, or (with the output on) press the AUTO key to trigger a measurement. The measured
reading will be displayed as the reference.
Limit testing
– After the reference value is entered, you will be prompted to enter high and low
tolerances (in %) for the reference value. These tolerances set the high and low limits for Limit 2
test. For example, if the reference value is 1k
and the high and low tolerances are 5%, the high
limit for Limit 2 test will be 1050
and the low limit will be 950
This math function can now be selected by pressing the FCTN key. The percent deviation and the
result of the limit test (PASS or FAIL) will be displayed.
Remote command programming
SCPI commands
SCPI commands for the built-in math functions are listed in Table 19.
NOTE The percent deviation math function is not provided as a built-in math
function for remote operation. However, it can be configured as a
user-defined expression (see CALCulate[1] commands in Section 18
of the 2400 Series SourceMeter User’s Manual).
Programming example
The programming example in Table 20 configures the SourceMeter to operate as a power meter
(power = V x I). Programming examples for other math functions are provided in the 2400 Series
SourceMeter User’s Manual (see CALCulate1 subsystem in Section 18).
Table 1-19
SCPI commands; built-in math functions
:CALCulate:MATH:NAME <name>
Select math expression; <name> = “POWER”,
:CALCulate:STATe <b>
Enable/disable math; <b> = ON or OFF.
Query math data.