In this section:
About the Series 2600A examples ........................................... 5-1
Equipment required to run the examples ................................. 5-2
Connect the equipment ............................................................ 5-2
Logical block diagram of test connections ................................ 5-3
Example 1: Control with separate interfaces ............................ 5-4
Example 2: Using TSP-Link to configure instruments .............. 5-6
Example 3: Configure using TSP-Link and interactive triggers5-10
Example 4: Using the scanning and triggering model ............ 5-14
About the Series 2600A examples
This section shows you how to use the Model 707B or 708B with a Series 2600A System
instrument to perform an I-V sweep across a diode. In each example, the Model 707B
or 708B connects a diode across the output of SMUA of the Series 2600A SourceMeter Instrument
(SMU). The SMU then performs an I-V sweep across the diode.
There are four examples in this section, progressing from using direct control over the remote
communication interface to automating the sweep using the scan and trigger model.
Example 1
shows you how to control the Series 2600A and Model 707B or 708B instruments using
direct control over the remote communication interface. This example:
Demonstrates how to use the PC to send commands to each instrument separately and cannot be run
using TSB Embedded. It requires a separate application development environment.
Requires two communication identifiers, such as the GPIB address or LAN IP address. One is required
for the Model 707B or 708B and the other for the Series 2600A.
Does not require TSP-Link.
Does not use hardware triggering or the scanning and triggering model of the Model 707B or 708B.
Example 2
shows you how to use TSP-Link to configure the Series 2600A and Model 707B or 708B
instruments. This example:
Can be run using TSB Embedded.
Demonstrates how to configure the TSP-Link interface for communication between the instruments.
Requires unique TSP-Link node numbers for each instrument.
Demonstrates the benefit of using the TSP-Link interface to send commands to another instrument.
Does not require hardware triggering or the scanning and triggering model of the Model 707B or 708B.
Section 5
Working with the Series 2600A