In this appendix:
Micromanipulator 8860 prober software .................................. H-1
Probe station configuration ...................................................... H-2
Probesites Clarius project example ....................................... H-17
Probesubsites Clarius project example ................................. H-23
Commands and error symbols .............................................. H-27
Micromanipulator 8860 prober software
You need to have the following software programs on the Micromanipulator 8860 to configure and
operate the 8860 prober with the Keithley Instruments 4200A-SCS:
: Used to configure the communications setup (icon on the desktop)
: Used to launch various wafer controls and utilities (icon on the desktop)
: Used to probe multi-subsites per die (button in pcLaunch window)
: Used to probe single subsites per die (button in pcLaunch window)
pcIndie and pcWafer, which are not included with standard prober software, are required. Refer to
the prober manufacturer, Micromanipulator, for availability.
Appendix H
Using a Micromanipulator 8860 Prober