In this section:
Introduction .............................................................................. 2-1
Installation handling precautions .............................................. 2-1
Board cleaning ......................................................................... 2-1
Connections ............................................................................. 2-2
Typical connecting schemes .................................................... 2-7
Card installation and removal ................................................. 2-11
This section includes information on making connections to the 2001-TCSCAN Thermocouple
General Purpose Scanner Card and installing the scanner card in a DMM6500.
The information in this topic is intended only for qualified service personnel. Some of the
procedures may expose you to hazardous voltages that could result in personal injury or
death. Do not attempt to perform these procedures unless you are qualified to do so.
Installation handling precautions
To maintain high-impedance isolation between channels, avoid contamination from foreign materials
as body oils when handling the scanner card. Contamination can substantially lower leakage
resistances, degrading card performance. To avoid possible contamination, always hold the scanner
card by the side edges or covers. Do not touch board surfaces, components, or areas adjacent to
electrical contacts.
Dirt build-up over a period of time is another possible source of contamination. To avoid this problem,
operate the multimeter and scanner card in a clean environment.
Board cleaning
The circuit board should be thoroughly cleaned with pure water after soldering to remove all
contaminants. After cleaning with water, swab the area with pure methanol and allow the board to dry
for several hours in a 50 °C environment before use.
Section 2
Card connectors and installation