Model 2001-TCSCAN Scanner Card User's Manual
Section 2: Card connectors and installation
2001-TCSCAN-900-01 Rev. A / April 2018
Card installation and removal
This section explains how to install and remove the 2001-TCSCAN scanner card from the DMM6500.
All wiring connections must be complete before installing the 2001-TCSCAN.
The information in this topic is intended only for qualified service personnel. Some of the
procedures may expose you to hazardous voltages that could result in personal injury or
death. Do not attempt to perform these procedures unless you are qualified to do so.
To prevent electric shock that could result in injury or death, never handle a scanner card
that has power applied to it. Before installing or removing a scanner card, make sure the
2001-TCSCAN is turned off and disconnected from line power. If the scanner card is
connected to a DUT, make sure power is removed from all external circuitry.
If a card slot is unused, you must install slot covers to prevent personal contact with high
voltage circuits. Failure to install slot covers could result in personal exposure to hazardous
voltages, which could cause personal injury or death if contacted.
If you have a 2000-SCAN or 2001-TCSCAN that was used in another Keithley Instruments product,
such as the Model 2000, you can use your existing scan cards in the DMM6500. Follow the
instructions in your original equipment documentation to remove the card from the instrument, then
use the following instructions to install it in the DMM6500. You do not need to remove the wiring to
the card.
For inexperienced users, it is recommended that you do not connect a device under test (DUT) and
external circuitry to the scanner card. This allows you to exercise close and open operations without
the dangers associated with live test circuits. You can also set up pseudocards to experiment with
Select the rear inputs with the multimeter front-panel TERMINALS switch when using the scanner