Adjusting the Squareness
Before making any adjustments carry out the squareness check as described on
the previous page.
It is assumed that the board used for the test is still clamped in the machine. From the
test results determine if the last cut made in the top of the board is to the left or right of
the previous cut, as shown above:
Slacken the bottom two of the three screws at the top of the Main Body using the
6mm hexagon wrench, then slacken the left hand nut at the bottom using a 17mm
ring spanner, make sure the right hand nut is tight.
Release the clamp and position the board such that the blade is held in the cut on
the bottom edge of the board.
Turn the adjustment knob at the top of the Main Body in the direction shown in the
drawing such that the blade when moved to the top of the board cuts between the
two existing cuts.
Repeat the squareness check.
Tighten the screws and nut (as in 1.).
Second cut to the
right of previous cut
Second cut to the
left of previous cut
Turn adjustment screw clockwise
Turn adjustment screw counter clockwise
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