The actuation of an operating element is signalized by a black ring (a). This
ring is grey if the operating element is not actuated.
Loading an Image File
This toolbox enables loading an image file into the KeTop.
The image file may be copied to every directory excepting to directory
Before each image update execute "Check file" necessarily.
Image File
Clicking this button enables you to select a new WinCE image file in the file
selection dialog.
In the event of an image update, the registry will be deleted and the KeTop
rebooted automatically. Following that, the KeTop reboots with the factory
Check File
The selected file can be checked for validity. "Check File" will only be active
if a valid image file has been selected.
Start Update
This button starts the update. The progress status is displayed in the bar
below. "Start Update" will only be active if the selected image file has been
successfully checked for validity (with "Check File").
Clear Registry
This item clears the registry and automatically reboots the KeTop. Follow-
ing that, the KeTop reboots with the factory settings, and all settings (touch
screen, joystick and override potentiometer, system control,...) must be
stored anew.
KeTop - Specific Operating Instructions
© KEBA 2009
User's Manual V1.50