4.2.4 cross-section of the supply cable
The conductor cross-section of the supply line is determined by the following factors:
• • input current of the drive converter
• • used cable type / installation and ambient temperatures
• • Applicable local electrical regulations
The application engineer is responsible for the design!
4.3 connection of the motor
The following steps must be observed if the inverter is not pre-installed on a motor.
4.3.1 Motor cable cross-section
The cable cross-section of the motor cable depends on the real effective value of the
motor current, the line length, the type of the used cable (observe the manufacturer's
specifications) as well as the ambient conditions such as bundling and temperature.
Also observe the electrical regulations applicable for the operation site.
4.3.2 connection of the motor
Incorrect behavior of the motor!
The connecting-up instructions of the motor manufacturer are al-
ways generally valid !
Protect motor against voltage peaks !
Inverters switch at the output with high du/dt. Voltage peaks that
endanger the insulation system at the motor can occur especially in
case of long motor cables (>15 m). A motor choke, a dv/dt-filter or
sine-wave filter can be used to protect the motor with regard to the
operating mode.