About Open Source
This product includes certain open source or other software
originating from third parties that is subject to the GNU
General Public License (GPL), GNU Library/Lesser General
Public License (LGPL) and different and/or additional
copyright licenses, disclaimers and notices. The exact
terms of GPL, LGPL and some other licenses, disclaimers
and notices are reproduced in the about box in this product
and are also available at http://opensource.sonyericsson.
Sony Ericsson offers to provide source code of software
licensed under the GPL or LGPL or some other open
source licenses allowing source code distribution to you
on a CD-ROM for a charge covering the cost of performing
such distribution, such as the cost of media, shipping and
handling, upon written request to Sony Ericsson Mobile
Communications AB, Open Source Software Management,
Nya Vattentornet, SE-221 88 Lund, Sweden. This offer is
valid for a period of three (3) years from the date of the
distribution of this product by Sony Ericsson.